Amanda Figueroa

Amanda Figueroa

Community Directior, Curationist

Amanda Figueroa

Amanda Figueora is Curationist’s Community Director. She is based in Boston and was raised at the US-Mexico border. Amanda’s finishing her PhD in American Studies at Harvard and has fifteen years of experience in public programs, content management, and web design. At Curationist, Amanda leads in building awareness, engagement, and encouraging connections between large arts-based institutions and underserved and grassroots cultural heritage communities. The goal is to bring together these different types of stakeholders to inform the future of Curationist.

Open Knowledge and Web Monetization GAP Analysis

The Open Knowledge community is built by people all over the world, contributing their time, knowledge, and expertise to platforms like Curationist and Wikipedia. Although these platforms are and should be free to access, paying Open Knowledge contributors for their work would help develop the overall Open movement by further incentivizing and supporting the people who make it run. In this wor…