Sabine Schaller

Sabine Schaller

R&D Lead @ Coil

Sabine Schaller

Sabine has always been interested in Data Ownership and the Internet of Value. She works on the specification and implementation of open standards like the Interledger Protocol, Open Payments, and Web Monetization to allow for a Web where content can be paid for with hard currency instead of data. Prior to joining Coil, Sabine co-founded Registree, a privacy-preserving recruitment platform. She holds a degree in Statistics and Mathematical Finance.

Meet your new friend - Rafiki.

Rafiki is a software package that bundles Interledger infrastructure with the powerful accounting database Tigerbeetle and the Open Payments APIs to send money programmatically. And that is just what first meets the eye. Rafiki has a bunch of hidden qualities, which this session will formally introduce and show off during a live demo.