Timea Nagy

Timea Nagy

Engineering Manager & Frontend Developer, BreakPointIT - Interledger Foundation

Timea Nagy

Timea has been a software developer for many years, mainly passionate about developing frontend and user experience. She has been part of the interesting world of Interledger since the end of 2022. Together with her team, she has built the Interledger Tesnet testing network, in order to help people better understand the possibilities of Open Payments. Her passion is travelling, discovering as much as possible about this wonderful world we live in. Her flex is that she has travelled to all 7 continents.

Rafiki & Ecosystem Updates

Join us for an update on Rafiki: the current integrators, additions over the last year, future plans, and the growing Rafiki-powered Test Network. In this session, we will demo the Test Wallet, the Test eCommerce application and Interledger Pay.